报告时间:2021-04-16 10:45
报 告 人:任伟民 教授,大连理工大学
Sulfur, the sixth abundant nonmetal element in the earth, is widely exists in a variety of food ingredients, agrochemicals, and natural medicines. To date, using in-depth studies of sulfur chemistry, diversified chemical transformation strategies have been developed to synthesize a variety of sulfur-containing compounds, such as urea, episulfide, and a large category of sulfur-containing medicinal compounds. Also, the incorporation of sulfur atoms into the polymer backbone has captured the attention of polymeric chemistry scientists, as the newly induced sulfur atoms endow the polymer with accessional attractive properties, e.g., enhanced thermodynamic properties, and excellent optical and electronic properties. These excellent properties result in their wide applications. Herein, we would like to briefly introduce our recent research about the precise synthesis of degradable sulfur-containing polymer, including polythiocarbonates and polythioesters.
任伟民,大连理工大学精细化工国家重点实验室教授。2017年获国家基金委优秀青年基金,2018年入选辽宁省 “兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才计划,2019年入选辽宁省优秀科技工作者。担任辽宁省化工学会精细化工委员会副主任委员。主要围绕二氧化碳、羰基硫或硫代酸酐等惰性小分子化合物的高效活化,并与环氧烷烃交替共聚合成生物可降解性高分子材料、特别在含硫高分子光学材料创制方面做出了新颖性研究工作。此外,建立了安全、绿色、高效的工艺实现多种二氧化碳基手性精细化学品的工业化生产。发表包括Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Nat. Commun.等SCI学术论文60余篇。授权中国发明专利13项,部分成果在实现工业化生产,其中二氧化碳基手性精细化学品2015年投产后实现上亿产值。作为第二完成人,获辽宁省自然科学一等奖。