【学术讲座】"Writing Clinic" for Scientific Publications

发布日期:2022-05-10     浏览次数:次   



报告题目:"Writing Clinic" for Scientific Publications

报告时间:2022-05-16 19:00

报告人: Prof. Renato Zenobi

     ETH Zurich & Xiamen University





Prof. Zenobi, who has co-authored over 500 peer-reviewed publications, will share his experience and insights about how to write high-quality, innovative, and eye-catching scientific manuscripts in an efficient manner. He will talk about aspects of organisation of a publication, target journals, scientific and publishing ethics, etc. Zenobi has also served as Associate Editor for the ACS journal Analytical Chemistry for 11 years, and will explain the peer review and publication process from the point of view of journal editors.



Renato Zenobi is Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Organic Chemistry Laboratory at ETH Zurich. He received a M.S. degree from the ETH Zurich in 1986, and a Ph.D. at Stanford University in the USA in 1990. This was followed by two postdoctoral appointments at the University of Pittsburgh (1990 - 1991) and at the University of Michigan (1991). Renato Zenobi returned to Switzerland in 1992 as a Werner Fellow at the EPFL, Lausanne, where he established his own research group. He became assistant professor at the ETH in 1995, was promoted to associate professor in 1997, and to full professor in 2000. He was chairman of the Organic Chemistry Laboratory in 2002-2003 and 2011-2012. From 2010 until 2020he served as Associate Editor of Analytical Chemistry (American Chemical Society). He has chaired the 2014 International Mass Spectrometry Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. Zenobis research areas include laser-based analytical chemistry, electrospray and laser-assisted mass spectrometry, ambient mass spectrometry, and near-field optical microscopy and spectroscopy. He has made important contributions to the understanding of the ion formation mechanism in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry, and to ambient ionization methods. He is well known for the development of analytical tools for the nanoscale, in particular TERS (tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy), a spectroscopic methodology with 10 nm spatial resolution. Renato Zenobi has received many awards for his scientific work, including the Thomas Hirschfeld Award (1989), an Andrew Mellon Fellowship (1990), the Ruzicka Prize (1993), the Heinrich Emanuel Merck-Prize (1998), the Redwood Lectureship from the Royal Society of Chemistry (2005), the Michael Widmer Award (2006), a honorary Professorship at East China Institute of Technology (2007), the Schulich Graduate Lectureship (2009), a honorary membership of the Israel Chemical Society (2009), honorary professorships at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Changchun), at Hunan University, and at Changchun University of Chinese Medicine (2010), the Mayent-Rothschild Fellowship (Institut Curie, Paris; 2010), the Fresenius Lectureship from the German Chemical Society (2012), the Thomson Medal (International Mass Spectrometry Foundation, 2014), the RUSNANO prize (2014), and the Fresenius Prize (German Chemical Society, 2015).



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