报告题目:Multifunctionalized silicon-based microchips and their interaction with living cells
报告时间:2023-05-05 16:00
报告人: Prof. Lluïsa Pérez-García
Controlling the interaction of micro- and nanomaterials with living matter are key processes to gain knowledge and applications in Nanomedicine. In this context, microfabrication of devices at the physical scale of living cells, or even smaller, can offer unprecedented opportunities to progress in the field. These chips have dimensions smaller than cells, thus can be manipulated in suspension for application in single cell analysis and population of cells experiments. The microchips are fabricated by silicon technologies based on photolithography processes, which offers a high versatility and a wide range of potential applications. Moreover, (bio)functionalization of the microchips using self-assembled monolayers provides chemical and biological functionality to the chips. Our group uses silicon-based microchips able to interact with living cells to sense or modify their behaviour. The general objective of the research is the design, fabrication, biofunctionalization and biological validation of suspensions of advanced microchips for intra- and extracellular applications relevant for health. In the talk, we will discuss how the chemical functionalization determines the functionality in some of these applications, including individual cell tagging (A),1 intracellular pH sensing (B)2 and mechanically induced cell death (C).
Lluïsa Pérez García于1985年获得药学学士学位,并于1991年在巴塞罗那大学完成博士学位。在英国伯明翰大学完成两年博士后研究后,1994年加入巴塞罗那大学药学院担任讲师,其后分别于1997与2009年晋升为巴塞罗那大学药学院有机化学实验室的副教授与正教授。2017年起,她受聘于英国诺丁汉大学担任Anne McLaren研究员,并于2019年晋升为副教授。2020年底,她回到巴塞罗那大学担任正教授,同时继续担任诺丁汉大学的荣誉讲师。Lluïsa Pérez García教授课题组的研究方向涵盖合成化学、结构化学、药物化学和超分子化学。