【学术报告】Chemical-assisted Sequencing of Epigenetic Nucleic Acid Modifications

发布日期:2018-05-21     浏览次数:次   

题 目:Chemical-assisted Sequencing of Epigenetic Nucleic Acid Modifications

报告人:伊成器 研究员
          北京大学 生命科学学院




伊成器研究员、博士生导师。主要通过化学生物学等手段,发展核酸表观遗传修饰的标记与检测新技术、并研究这些核酸化学修饰的生物学功能。2005年在中国科学技术大学获学士学位,2010年在芝加哥大学化学系获博士学位,后于芝加哥大学生物化学与分子生物学系从事博士后研究,2012年至今任职于北京大学。自回国工作至今,在Nat. Chem. Biol.,Nat. Methods,PNAS等高水平刊物发表研究论文十余篇,多次受邀出席国际会议并作邀请报告。至今先后获得国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(IUPAC)2011 Prize for Young Chemists、第十届“药明康德生命化学研究奖”等奖项,主持国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金。

Modified nucleotides, especially those related to epigenetic or epitranscriptomic functions, provide critical regulatory information beyond their sequence and also define cell status in higher organisms. The discovery of these modified nucleotides has triggered an explosion of new information in the fields of DNA/RNA epigenetics. This rapid research progress has benefited significantly from timely developments of high-throughput sequencing technologies that enable identifications of these nucleotide modifications in the whole genome or transcriptome. In my laboratory, we utilize selective chemical labeling to develop high-resolution sequencing methods for these modified nucleotides; in particular, we have developed several technologies for the genome/transcriptome-wide sequencing of 5-formylcytosine in DNA (5fC) and pseudouridine and 1-methyladenosine in RNA (Ψ and m1A), respectively; such chemical labeling-enabled sequencing technologies will allow future functional studies of these modified nucleotides.


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