报告题目:In-Situ Multimodal Study of the Speciations and Activities of Supported Metal Catalysts During Hydrogenation Reactions
报告人: 刘德宇 博士
刘德宇,2009年本科毕业于厦门大学化学系,2010年获得国家公派留学全额资助赴美深造,在Galen Stucky教授指导下于2015年9月年获加州大学圣芭芭拉分校博士学位。2015年底起在伊利诺伊大学厄班纳香槟分校(UIUC)进行博士后工作,2017年底回国工作。主要研究兴趣为包含异质界面的复杂纳米材料的设计与化学合成方法,及其在光催化、热催化和能源电化学等方面的应用研究。参与多项NSF及DOE大型项目,并已在包括J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Mater., J. Phys .Chem. C, Nano Letter等刊物发表、参与发表SCI收录论文30余篇,他引约1000余次。目前担任Langmuir等杂志审稿人。
To understand a catalytic process better, one needs to monitor several parameters simultaneously under the reaction condition. These parameters include chemical environment (reactants and products), physical attributes (size/shape/electronic structure/atomic structure) of catalysts, and the subsequent catalytic properties including activity, selectivity and stability of catalysts. In many cases, these parameters change and affect each other in reaction conditions which make it very difficult to reveal catalytic mechanisms simply from one single characterization. Such problem can be well addressed using combined or correlated multiple characterization methods. We correlate X-ray absorption spectroscopy and STEM techniques to show the importance of multi-modal operando investigations for understanding the true structure of activated nanocatalysts. By correlating operando STEM, XANES and EXAFS, several metastable phases and structures were detected and monitored under different conditions. In the meanwhile, the activity/selectivity/stability of this catalyst was characterized by GC-MS, surface MS and operando IR micro-spectroscopy. By correlating results from multiple techniques, the changes of catalytic hydrogenation properties of catalysts can be explained in the contest its real structure with the feedback from their chemical environments.