【学术报告】Single-atom catalysis, a new frontier of heterogeneous catalysis

发布日期:2018-04-25     浏览次数:次   

题   目: Single-atom catalysis, a new frontier of heterogeneous catalysis
讲座人: 王爱琴 研究员
时   间: 2018年4月25日10:00
地   点: 卢嘉锡楼202

Aiqin Wang received the Bachelor and Master degree of chemical engineering from Dalian University of Technology in 1990 and 1993, respectively. She joined Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) in 1993 as a research assistant and received PhD degree of physical chemistry from DICP in 2001. After two-year postdoctoral fellow in National Taiwan University, she returned to DICP in 2005 and joined Prof. Tao Zhang’s group where she was promoted to a full professor in 2009. In 2013 she became a joint professor of State Key Laboratory of Catalysis. Her research interests include catalytic conversion of biomass, subnano- and single-atom catalysts, and green synthesis of value-added chemicals. She is the author or co-author of more than 270 peer-reviewed scientific publications, and is an Editorial Board Member of Chinese Journal of Catalysis.

Single-atom catalysis has become the most active new frontier of heterogeneous catalysis in the past several years. With the rapid developments of practical preparation methodologies, characterization techniques and computational modeling approaches, a huge number of single-atom catalysts (SACs) with distinctive performances for various reactions have been developed. In this presentation, I will introduce two types of SACs, oxide-supported noble metal SACs and atomically dispersed M-N-C catalysts. The catalytic performances of these SACs in the selective hydrogenation and oxidation reactions are explored, and the performance-structure relationship is proposed.



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