【学术报告】 Electroreduction on Catalyst-Modified Electrodes as Pretreatment to Enhance Biodegradability

发布日期:2017-09-21     浏览次数:次   

报告题目: Electroreduction on Catalyst-Modified Electrodes as
          Pretreatment to Enhance Biodegradability
报告人:   Dr. Florence GENESTE, Université de Rennes 1, France
时 间:    9月21日(周四)下午4:00
地 点:    卢嘉锡楼202报告厅



    The treatment of recalcitrant compounds that cannot be eliminated upon conventional biotreatment of wastewater requires physico-chemical methods for their degradation that often suffer from a lack of selectivity and high cost. Recently, integrated processes, combining physico-chemical and biological treatments have received a growing attention for their efficiency in complete mineralization of biorecalcitrant compounds at reduced operating costs.1 In that case, the aim of the pretreatment is not to mineralize the pollutant but to increase its biodegradability and reduce its toxicity.

    Since the role of the pretreatment in coupling process is the enhancement of biodegradability of the molecule at the lowest possible cost, without the formation of toxic by-products, we investigated a coupling method involving an indirect electrochemical process as a pretreatment for the degradation of recalcitrant compounds. The objective is to remedy concentrated effluents on site, before the persistent organic pollutants will be diluted in large volumes of low concentration, more difficult to treat. The expected positive impacts are a selective attack of the targeted functional groups, for a fine control of the compound degradation and an improvement of current efficiency, resulting in saving energy and hence reducing cost. The feasibility of the proposed coupled process was investigated on pollutants containing functional groups that are largely represented among biorecalcitrant pesticides and pharmaceutical compounds and known to be linked to the biorecalcitrance of a molecule.

    Electrolyses were carried out in a home-made electrochemical flow cell using a porous electrode of high specific area, allowing a rapid and quantitative transformation of aqueous polluted solutions. Homogenous and heterogeneous catalytic reactions were achieved to selectively reduce targeted functional groups of the pollutant.2 Biodegradability improvement was checked with classical analytical parameters and by biological treatments using activated sludge from treatment plant. We will see among several examples how electrochemical catalysis can improve biodegradability and allow the implementation of an electrochemical and biological coupling process.



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