报告题目:Mechanistic Insights into Aqueous Phase Catalytic
Reactions over Metal and Metal Oxide Catalysts
报告人: Dr. Donghai Mei
Staff Scientist
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
时间: 10月19日 下午3:00
地点: 卢嘉锡楼202报告厅
Donghai Mei obtained his Bachelor degree from Northwest University, China in 1986. After that, he worked as a chemical engineer in a chemical plant. In 1990, he went back to the graduate school. He obtained his master degree in 1993 from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and Ph. D. degree from China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 1996, all majored in Chemical Engineering. He did his postdoctoral research at Tsinghua University (China) and University of Virginia (USA). In 2006, he took the current position working as a staff scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA. Dr. Donghai Mei’s major research interests are computational catalysis and materials synthesis, especially in the area of multi-scale modeling of heterogeneous catalysis. Recently, he is focusing on the aqueous-phase catalytic conversion of biomass derived oxygenates using supported transition metals, metal oxides and zeolites.