学术报告:Well-Ordered Nanoporous Materials from Chiral Block Copolymer Templates (何荣铭)

发布日期:2015-11-05     浏览次数:次   

报告题目:Well-Ordered Nanoporous Materials from Chiral Block Copolymer Templates

报告人:何荣铭教授 台湾清华大学









研究的重点为软物质材料之自组装行为研究、高分子嵌段共聚物物理学、高分子混成材料物理学、高分子纳米材料与复合材料的分子设计、制备与应用平台技术开发。主要研究方向包括手性高分子共聚物、有机无机杂化体系和纳米图案模板等。已在包括JACS, Angew. Chemie, Adv. Mater. Macromolecules等杂志上发表研究论文数十篇,在国际学术会议上做邀请报告20余次。

Well-Ordered Nanoporous Materials from Chiral Block Copolymer Templates

Rong-Ming Ho

Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan

e-mail address:rmho@mx.nthu.edu.tw

 Well-ordered nanomaterials with functions and complexity are fabricated by templated syntheses using templates from degradable block copolymers with gyroid-forming network morphologies as illustrated in Figure 1.1A wide region for the formation of double gyroid (DG) with a nanonetwork texture can be found in the phase diagram of a chiral block copolymer (BCP*), polystyrene-b-poly(L-lactide) (PS-PLLA), can be obtained.2 With the easy construction of DG and by taking advantage of hydrolytic polylactide, a platform technology for the fabrication of nanohybrids and nanoporous materials have been developed using degenerated BCPs* as templates for templated syntheses.3,4 By taking advantage of the well-ordered structural characteristics of the gyroid texture, the properties and applications of 3D regular nanostructures, such as catalytic, photonic behavior and optical properties of gyroid-forming nanostructures, are demonstrated.5-7

 1)      Hsueh, H.-Y.; Yao, C.-T.; Ho, R.-M. Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 1974.

2)      Wang, H. F.; Yu, L. H.; Wang, X. B.; Ho, R.-M.Macromolecules, 2014, 47, 7993. Front Cover Story

3)      Hsueh, H.-Y.; Chen,H.-Y.;Chen,C.-K.;Ho,R.-M.;Gwo,S.;Akasaka,S.;Hasegawa,H. Nano Lett.2010,10, 4994.

4)      Hsueh, H.-Y.; Huang,Y.-C. R.-M. Ho, C.-H. Lai, T. Makida, H. Hasegawa Adv. Mater.2011, 23, 3041.

5)      Hsueh, H.-Y.; Chen,  H.-Y.;Hung, Y.-C.;Ling, Y.-C.;Gwo,S.;Ho,R.-M.Adv. Mater.2013, 25, 1780.

6)      Hsueh, H.-Y.; Ling, Y.-C.;Wang,H.-F.;Chang Chien, L.-Y.;Hung,Y.-C.;Thomas,  E. L.;Ho,R.-M.Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 3225. Front Cover Story

7)      Ho, R.-M. et al.NPG Asia Materials 2015, 7, e170. 

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