Reactions: A New Frontier in Chemistry
报告题目:Microdroplet Reactions: A New Frontier in Chemistry
报 告 人: Richard N. Zare
Department of Chemistry,
Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 USA
时 间: 2018年12月8日(周六) 16:00
地 点: biwn必赢卢嘉锡楼202
research group has been studying chemical reactions in microdroplets and
comparing the findings with the behavior of the same reaction in bulk solution.
Our detection method has primarily been high-resolution mass spectrometry,
although we also use nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Two different
experimental setups are employed, one involving fusing together two streams of
microdroplets (shown in Fig. l, the panel on the left), the other simply
involving desorption electrospray ionization (shown in Fig, 1, the panel on the

Figure 1. Two experimental setups used to investigate
the chemistry occurring in microdroplets.
One significant advantage of investigating reactions in
microdroplets is that this technique allows us to detect and identify fleeting
intermediates in complex reactions. Another special feature of microdroplet
chemistry is that the rates of some reactions can be accelerated by a factor of
1000 or more! Some speculations will be presented to account for this marked
rate enhancement. Microdroplet chemistry is not simply a way to study reactions
in bulk solutions but can also present new opportunities, as will be presented,
to synthesize molecules and in some cases to make entirely new compounds. Be
prepared for some surprises!
Born in 1939
in Cleveland, Ohio, Professor Zare trained in physical and analytical chemistry
at Harvard University (B.A. 1961, Ph.D. 1964). His doctoral study under
Professor Dudley Herschbach explored photodissociation dynamics. After faculty
positions spanning chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
chemistry, physics and astrophysics at the University of Colorado, and chemistry
at Columbia University, he joined the Stanford chemistry faculty in 1977. He has
taught an introductory chemistry class every year since. As a Howard Hughes
Medical Institute Professor since 2006, Professor Zare has also developed a
course introducing undergraduates to hands-on interdisciplinary research,
combining physics, and biology to explore how living systems use molecular
interactions with light for vision, photosynthesis and more. Professor Zare
served as chair of the Department of Chemistry from 2005 to 2011, and has helped
to guide scientific policy as chairman of several national and international
science boards. His dedication to research and teaching has been recognized in
many awards, including the National Medal of Science, the Wolf Prize in
Chemistry, and the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics,
and Engineering Mentoring. Among other honors, Professor Zare is a member of the
National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the
American Philosophical Society. He has also received 11 honorary
Please visit the Zarelab website to learn more: http://web.stanford.edu/group/Zarelab/