学术报告题目:Breaking bonds: pulling is more efficient than heating in driving surface retro- Diels-Alder reaction

发布日期:2015-10-16     浏览次数:次   

报告题目:Breaking bonds: pulling is more efficient than heating in driving surface
          retro- Diels-Alder reaction
报告人:  马宏伟 研究员
时间:    11月5日(周二) 下午4:00
地点:    卢嘉锡楼报告厅(202)


Breaking bonds: pulling is more efficient than heating in
driving surface retro- Diels-Alder reaction


Abstract:Chemistry is all about breaking old bonds and forming new bonds. In this talk, we will show that pulling is more efficient than heating in driving surface retro- Diels-Alder (retro-DA) reaction. First, we developed a "solidified liquid layer" model (SLL) for quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) operated in liuquid [1]. This SLL model made QCM a sensitive, online detector for the swelling behavior of surface tethered weak polyelectrolytes, which were prepared via surface initiated polymerization (SIP) [2,3]. Second, detailed studies revealed that under proper conditions, such swelling of surface tethered weak polyelectrolytes could be turned into a pN force generator. Enviromental cues, such as pH, salt concentration and Voltage could be applied to finely tune the force [4,5]. Finally, SERS, XPS and other tools were combined to show that a retro-DA reaction was possible via pulling but not via heating. Future research efforts of mechanochemistry should be directed into inventing devices that makes pulling more convienient than heating.



[1] Solidified liquid layer model expands the application fields of quartz crystal microbalance, Macro. Rapid Commun., 33, 735-741, 2012

[2] Surface initiated polymerization from substrates of low initiator density and its applications in biosensors, Soft Matter, 7, 11496-11500, 2011

[3] Swelling induced Au-S bond breakage is determined by the molecular composition of surface tethered copolymers-carboxylated poly(OEGMA-r-HEMA), Chem. Commun., 47, 9855-9857, 2011

[4] Directly observed Au-S bond breakage due to swelling of the anchored polyelectrolyte, Chem. Commun. 47, 1190-1192, 201

[5] A proton shelter inspired by the sugar coating of acidophilic archaea, Scientific Reports, 2, 892, 2012

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