学术报告题目:Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometer

发布日期:2015-10-16     浏览次数:次   

题  目: Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometer

讲座人: Yuki Hashi (端 裕树)博士

       Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd.,Shimadzu Global COE for Application & Technical Development,General Manager, Chief Scientist(岛津公司(中国)总经理,首席科学家,岛津全球应用与技术开发中心 部长)

时 间: 2013年8月1日(星期四)
上午10: 00 – 11:30

地 点: 卢嘉锡楼二楼报告厅(202)



Mass spectrometry (MS) is one of most promising analytical technique to elucidate the chemical structures of molecules, such as peptides and other chemical compounds by using spectrum of the masses of the molecules. Mass spectrometry works by ionizing chemical compounds to generate charged molecules or molecule fragments. A mass spectrometer consists of three devices; an ion source, a mass analyzer, and a detector. Among three devices, ion source is the key to improve the instrument sensitivity. This lecture will be forced on ionization technique for GCMS and LCMS instruments.

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